Wednesday, August 14, 2013

1 + 1 + 1 = a job well done!

The last week of July this year the Boyd family returned from Minnesota to volunteer with HisHands2Go for the second time.  Mother (Tammy) and daughter (Jordan) made the previous trip, and this year they brought along a third, Jacob.  The trio completed the final major job on Mr. Albert Franklin’s home… painting.  Mr. Franklin’s house is a duplex, both sides identical.  Tammy, Jordan, and Jacob painted one entire side (indoors) of the house, closets and bathrooms on the other side.  For those of you who have ever painted the inside of your home, you’ll understand what an undertaking this was for three people.  They did all of that in the span of 4 days!  Amazing!  The color is a light peachish/goldish that looks beautiful in the sunlight.  Check out the pictures below.
At the end of their week with us, the Boyds had the privilege of handing over the keys of the house to Mr. Albert Franklin.  
So very many of you volunteers reading this have worked on Mr. Franklin’s home over the last several months.  Every single person’s hard work combined made this final act of handing over the keys possible.  Allow me to pass on to you Mr. Franklin’s gratitude for all of your hard work, words of encouragement, and love.  He says that he remembers all of you with love and thanks God for you every day… and he said something about keeping your pictures out where he can see them regularly :-)  Next time any of you are in town you’ll have to stop by and say hi to him and see the final product!  Until then, take a look at the pics below, and maybe scroll back through previous months to see the journey of reconstructing his home.

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