Friday, May 20, 2016

Summer Interns 2016

Elan Ministries is currently accepting applications for 2016 Summer Interns! If you are interested in joining us for a summer of interning in New Orleans, or know someone who might be, please go to and download the Internship Application. Contact Suzanne Duvall with any questions:
We look forward to hearing from you as you pursue the next step in personal and professional development!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Prepping for the Maidens of Marais!

Family Life Assembly of God crew with chicken coop & outhouse-October 2015 

 Last October, our faithful friends from Family Life Assembly of God in Pittsburgh, KS built a chicken coop on the Garden on Marais property. The coop will be used by the Garden's 4-H Kid's Club to house laying hens... we've already dubbed them the Maidens of Marais ;)In January 2016 the Elan staff and friend Mike Brennan began the process of painting and prepping the wood for wet weather. Stay tuned for pics of the final product!
HH2G Director Larry Swift & Mike Brennan - January 2016