The buildings belonging to St. Luke Assembly of God suffered both
major and minor damages following Hurricane Isaac in 2012. The most
severe injury being the separation of the wall from the building at the
peak. Quotes from other repair men have been… well let’s just say it’s
out of the church’s price range! Damages also include other spots of
the roof being torn off on both the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall, thus
producing even more leaks throughout the building. Several pieces of
electronic equipment were lost to water damage, and the entire office
they were in had to have a bit of a makeover. The list goes on…
Then, 1 1/2 yrs later, No Excuses Disaster Relief from IL blew in
with a trailer full of tools and men and women with hearts to serve and
the knowledge of how to get the job done. We watched in utter amazement
at the flow and amount of work these wonderful friends accomplished.
They reconnected the wall to the building (making us all dizzy at the
height at which they were working!), repaired the other leaky roof
spots, and took over any and all repairs and improvements that they saw
needed to be done. St. Luke now has a balcony room, new curtains in
every room, all light bulbs replaced, repaired and freshly painted front
doors, and a new hand sink in the kitchen. That kitchen is so close to
being up to code for commercial use! In addition, they designed the
vents to be used in the Garden on Marais hoophouse. We can now grow
food year-round in it!
One of the beautiful aspects of this event is that these people from
IL were some of the first to work in New Orleans following Hurricane
Katrina. They repaired the New Orleans East church, have worked a good
deal on St. Luke buildings before, and blessed countless other residents
of this city. They specifically chose to come here this trip to work
on St. Luke and the Fellowship Hall, giving of their time and talents in
love. We consider them dear friends, and look forward to the next time
we see them. We may not have leaks in our roof anymore, but our eyes
were definitely a bit leaky when they drove away! From the deepest part
of our hearts, we thank you.
Take a look at the work they did!