If you note the title to this page, you’ll notice three words. Let’s begin with “muscle”. Now, ‘round these parts Mid-westerners are known for their hard work and big hearts. Of course it was no surprise to find that this team possessed those traits as well, and exhibited them on and off the job. The team was split into three groups. One group went to work alongside Pastor Jose at Philippi Evangelical Church of God in Christ, located in the lower 9th ward (by the homes developed by Brad Pitt). They
worked on the children’s building, strengthening the frame and working
to repair and reconstruct the inside of the building. They had the privilege of working with several members of the congregation, who joined us for dinner one evening. They brought gumbo to share, beautiful voices to sing with, and lots of laughter and good conversation.
The second group worked hard at Garden on Marais, even in spite of the record highs in temperatures that week! Nut
sage has been a serious nuisance this year at the garden, so a few
people went to battle with it, while a group of guys led by Ron Duvall
began prepping the hoop house for shade cloth. Once the hoop house is set up with the shade cloth it will be functional year-round.
The third group spent their days doing some much needed painting and St. Luke AG. Bathroom doors, closet doors, the stairwell, and an entire brown wall were painted beautifully.
When the team wasn’t eating, sleeping, or working, they were playing spoons (a dangerous game I might add J), or exploring the city, especially the live oak trees in City Park! This is where the word “monkey” comes in. I’ve never seen so many people climb 1 tree before! They were all over it, and some people climbed up to higher limbs. Seriously, they looked like monkeys.
And last but not least, let me explain the inclusion of the word “meatballs”. We have a tradition at HisHands2Go that on spaghetti and meatballs night you can have as many meatballs as you want. This practice, of course, inspires competition amongst team members. Prior to this team’s arrival, the record of 55 meatballs consumed in 1 sitting was held by a college student from Florida. Well, allow me to present Rachel, the new record holder of the most meatballs eaten in 1 sitting… 60. That’s right, folks…60!!!