Hark! Is that singing I hear? It is indeed- the sound of voices
blasting out tunes while working hard on the job. If we had to give a
summary of this team from UCF Catholic Campus Ministries, we'd have to
say they go about their work of serving others with an infectious joy.
This group of college students (many of them having graduated 2 days
before leaving for New Orleans) continued work on Garden on Marais, as
well as Albert Franklin's home. As with previous teams who have worked
on Mr. Franklin's home, these guys ended their week on a high note after
spending time with Mr. Franklin and gleaning from his encouragement,
gratitude, and life.
The crew that worked on Garden on Marais
accomplished much to further the function and future role of the garden
in the surrounding community. We extend a thanks to all volunteers past
and present that have poured their hard work into helping this garden
take shape. I'm proud to announce that we have beautiful tomatoes
growing, as well as basil and arugula. Tomatoes are especially hard to
grow down here, so they seem to taste especially delicious. Perhaps
next time you are here you can feast on the fruits of your hard labor!